Dusty Magic, Magic, Magic

· by wendy · thailand

Has anyone noticed how awesome Dusty’s photos are getting? They were pretty good before, but they just keep getting better. Since we returned to the States from South America, he has upgraded to a Sony A55 DSLR camera and studies book after book after book on photography. He means business!

Unfortunately, not all of his photos can make the posts. It’s not right I tell you. When I put together a blog post, I choose photos that help describe the story I’m telling. So, many times that means fantastic photos go unseen because they just don’t fit for some reason.

Not only that, lengthy story posts take a while to put together. I’m talking hours and hours. To rectify the photo and post draught situation, I’ve decided that we need to showcase Dusty’s photos on their own. Not only will you get to see more about the people and places we visit, you’ll also get to see more of his work.

You see, this….

Can become this…

Or this….

Amazing if you ask me. Of course, I’m a little biased. :)

For those who always want more photos, the photo posts are for you!

Check out the first photo post tomorrow. Until then, check out our photo galleries.

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