And I Owe It to Iguazú-u-u-u-u....
· by wendy · argentina
You’d think we’d be done for the day after visiting a dam, crossing over to Brazil for 20 minutes, taking a taxi to a semi-unknown ferry, witnessed a man being drug out of the Rio Paraná, crossing over to Argentina and hiking up a hill into town to find a hostel. Nope, we were just getting started.
Both Todd and I were ready to lay around for the day, but Dusty piped up with a “Wanna go see some waterfalls?”. We didn’t argue with him. Why would you if you knew you’d see something incredible.
The upper section of the Iguazú Falls, pictured above, were beautiful but we were ushered away when the park began to close. We had taken a train to get to the view, but didn’t want to join the massive crowd that waited for the last one back. We hoofed it instead. Good decision as we ran into a few friends. Toucans, a giant insects, coatis and MONKEYS! “See a type of monkey we have never seen before” was on our list of things to do and see in South America. Check that one off the list!
The second day we spent on the lower trails visiting the lookout platforms below the falls.
The highlight of the day was a 7 minute boat ride up close to the falls, which you think is such a short period of time, but when you’re getting drenched, it’s quite enough.
It’s surprising that a day walking around and looking at waterfalls is so tiring. Now that our tour of South America is winding down, we are noticing that we need more and more rest time. It’s tough work traveling the world! :) It was actually kind of depressing that we couldn’t muster up enough energy for a fiesta before Todd left considering it was last night with us before heading home. I’m pretty sure he loved his trip, though, and we’re both glad he made the journey. If any of our friends or family (or new friends!) want to meet up with us next time for a week of randomness, you’re more than welcome! Thanks for the fun, Todd!
Iguazú Falls
Cost: $100 ARS or $25
USD, half price for the 2nd day
Dusty’s Review: powerfully wet!
Wendy’s Review: feels like an amusement park!
Todd’s Review: I’m falls-ing in love!
Transport from Puerto Iguazu
from any stop or from the bus terminal
Catch yellow bus with “Cataratas” as the destination
Cost: $7.50 ARS or $1.84